Astrology Forecast for December 2023


Three planets change direction this month: Mercury turns retrograde, and Neptune and Jupiter turn direct.  Despite Mercury Rx, December astro-weather has a lot to offer! 

Mercury Retrograde, Online Shopping and Holiday Travel

Finish your online holiday shopping by Dec. 9. Mercury will be slowing down to a crawl after, getting ready to turn retrograde on Dec. 12. We don't want any mishaps with your orders or shipping! 

If you're planning to book a trip, finalize your plans by Dec. 9, too. Or wait until the second week of January.  And if you're travelling over the holiday season, be prepared for some possible delays. 

But, there is also a big upside to this Mercury Retrograde.  Mercury will be making many positive planetary connections throughout December. It's a great month for catching up with old friends or co-workers, revisiting important conversations, and renegotiations. 

Neptune Turns Direct:  Compassion, Spirituality and....

Neptune turns direct on December 6, at 24° Pisces. When Neptune changes direction, it's compassionate, mystic energy is high in the skies.  It's the planet of artists, spiritualists, romantics - but also of illusions and deceivers. 

The second week of the month, in particular, is not the best for mental clarity and important conversations.

And, if you have any personal planets or angles between 22-28° Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, Neptune's change of direction will be important for you on a personal level.  From blissful experiences to deceit, Neptune transits are complex and can play out in different ways, depending on your chart - and you!  An astrology reading may be of help.

Jupiter Turns Direct: An Extended Stretch of Good Vibes

But, things pick up soon after. Jupiter is stationed in the skies as of December 14, moving very slowly and getting ready to turn direct on December 30, at 5° Taurus.  And when Jupiter stations, the energy of expansion and luck is very strong in the skies. 

And, it's extra good news for you personally if you have personal planets or angles between 3 - 8° Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.  You're the lucky recipient of an extended stretch of opportunity, that will last throughout December and into mid-February 2024!  

December Ends on a High Note!

The lead-up to Christmas and the last week of December bring some amazing, optimistic, positive energies. Venus trines Neptune on Christmas Day, infusing the day with love. (If you're single, spend some time on a dating app!)

And a burst of sparkly and fun energy arrives on December 30 and leading into December 31.  How perfect for New Year's Eve! 

    If you like this forecast so far, don't forget to sign up for my  free weekly astro-newsletter

    And, if you're interested to learn what the stars have in store for us in 2024, join me for my annual webinar, "Navigating 2024".  A recording will be available if you're unable to attend the live session.

    Now let's look at each week in detail

    Note the dates I provide are for Pacific to Eastern time. Unless I mention a specific timeframe, the energies peak on these dates, but we’ll feel them for 24-72 hours in advance, and for about 24 hours afterwards (but they will be losing strength with each passing hour).

    December 1-3: 

    The first 3 days of December are great for business dealings and conversations that require clarity and logic.  But, it's not the greatest time to meet new people - in real life or through a dating app.

     December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn: 

    This starts a gradual energy shift to more practical and level-headed.  Mercury will spend the entire month in Capricorn because it'll be moving slower than usual, preparing to turn retrograde on December 13, at 8° Capricorn. 

    ✨ December 2:  Mercury sextile Saturn; the Sun and the Moon form a trine in Fire signs

    A very optimistic day. At the same time, the energies are supportive of serious conversations and signing long-term contracts. 

    ✨ December 3: Venus square Pluto; and Opportunity Period from 2:13 a.m. to 6:11 p.m. PST.

    Opportunity periods are those special times when the planets align just right, aiding most undertakings. Since this one is happening on a waning Moon, it's particularly helpful for making good headway on projects already in progress.

    But, Venus square Pluto is a challenging energy - don't get sucked into power games in relationships. 

    December 4 - 10: 

    Wrap up your online Christmas shopping by mid-week. By the weekend, Mercury starts slowing down to a crawl, getting ready to turn retrograde next week.  We don't want any mishaps with your Christmas orders and shipping! 

    And finalize your travel plans. 

    ✨ December 4: Venus enters Scorpio

    An excellent day to start on a diet or a cleanse, or to do some major cleaning and decluttering. 

    Venus moves into Scorpio today, highlighting the transformative power of passion, but also encouraging us to examine the balance of power in our close relationships. Are you on an equal footing with your partner?

    Venus will stay in Scorpio until December 29.

     December 4-5: Waning Moon in Virgo

    An excellent couple of days to start on a diet or a cleanse.  Mind you, it's Christmas Season, so perhaps you'll opt to do some cleaning and decluttering instead.

    On Dec. 4, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter form a Grand Trine in Earth signs, making the morning a very productive time!

     December 5: Venus trine Saturn

    A great day to do some relationship building with your boss. 

    ✨ December 6: Neptune turns direct

    ✨ December 7: Mercury trine Jupiter; Moon in Libra sextile the Sun

    An excellent day for important presentations and contract negotiations, or signing a contract.

    ✨ December 9: Venus opposite Jupiter; the Moon conjunct Venus and opposite Jupiter. 

    If you're a big spender, be aware these energies can encourage you to be verrry free with your money!  For everyone else, it's a good day with the vibe of generosity.  How lovely for the holiday season,

    Just be aware that relationships started today can over-promise and underdeliver, so save that first date for another day.

    ✨ December 9 3:32 p.m. PST to December 12 3:32 p.m. PST:  Balsamic Moon

    This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting anything new is not to your advantage. Declutter instead. Tie up loose ends. Get an extra hour of rest if you can. 

    Make some Moon Water on December 10.  You won't be able to see the Moon, but it will be in Scorpio on that day, getting ready to be reborn as the New Moon on December 12.. This particular Moon Water will have great cleansing properties, to help you get rid of the unwanted energetic residue (we all accumulate it over time).  Use it to wash your hair or add it to your laundry wash. Visualize all unwanted energy leaving your life.

    And to boot, an opportunity period arrives from Dec. 10 9:03 a.m. to Dec. 11 12:57 a.m. PST.  It's a fantastic time for clearing emotions, decluttering and cleaning, and resting and recharging.

    Finally, Mercury enters its Storm on Dec. 9, moving very slowly and getting ready to turn retrograde. Not a favourable time for new projects - just follow through with the items that are already on your plate (holiday prep and last-minute shopping?) 

    December 11-17:

    Not the best week for mental clarity and important conversations. Mercury turns retrograde on December 12 and Neptune - the planet of illusions - is prominent in the skies yet again. Avoid important meetings, negotiations, and signing contracts.

    The New Moon's square to Neptune will be felt in the skies throughout the week.  Clarify assumptions, proofread important documents, and be aware that it can be more difficult to see things clearly this week. 

    Even with that, the New Moon in Sagittarius brings a burst of optimism and adventure! 

    ✨ December 11: Mercury sextile Venus. 

    A good day for catching up with your friends or loved ones.  

    New Moon in Sagittarius: December 12 3:32 p.m. PST

    This is THE day of the year to let the Universe know that you're ready for a boost of optimism, adventure and luck in your life. It's also a great New Moon to ask for success with publishing, being able to freely speak your truth, and to travel or relocate to another country.

    You're not limited to these topics. Setting intentions for anything you want to attract into your life is fair game. But, intentions for the matters ruled by Sagittarius get an extra boost on this New Moon. 

    If you're new to working with the New Moon energy for manifestation, my digital mini-course, Working with the New Moonis for you. 

    This New Moon is happening at 20° Sagittarius.  Check which House it falls in your natal chart.  That's where a brand new fresh start is possible in the 4 weeks that follow.  

    ✨ December 12 11:09 p.m. PST: Mercury turns retrograde...

    ✨ December 16: the Sun square Neptune

    A low-energy day. Sensitivity to drugs (including prescription drugs) and alcohol may be heightened.  Don't overdo.

    ✨  Dec. 17 11:58 a.m.. to Dec. 19 1:03 p.m. PST: Waxing Moon in Pisces.

    The Moon makes many good aspects.  It's a great couple of days for spiritual and artistic pursuits - and for helping those in need. It's the holiday season after all...anyone around you needing help and compassion? 

    Every month, when the Moon is in Pisces, it connects with Neptune in Pisces, making it a top day of the month for connecting with the Divine.  This month, it's Dec. 19.  Book a Tarot reading to look at your year ahead. Work with crystals. Meditate. Keep a dream journal.

    December 18-24:  

    Don`t forget to register for my webinar `Navigating 2023: What the Stars Have in Store for Us`.  Receive practical guidance for the year ahead + learn the key energies and dates that are important for your sign. 

    Mercury is super busy in the skies this week, and this can translate into a flurry of messages, texts, and communication - and a busy week overall!

    Venus opposite Uranus during Mercury retrograde can bring back exes and other people who've disappeared from your life over the past few months. 

    ✨ December 18: Mercury Rx trine Jupiter

    A great day for renegotiating a contract or re-pitching a proposal. 

    ✨ December 20: Venus opposite Uranus

    NOT a good day for a first date, initiating contact on dating websites, or big investments. Wait for 48 hours. 

    ✨ December 21: Solstice; the Sun enters Capricorn; Mercury Rx sextile Saturn
    Happy Birthday to my Capricorn readers! 

    If you need to revisit a conversation, especially with the older people in your life or your boss, today is a good day.

    ✨ December 22: Mercury Rx conjunct the Sun; Mercury re-enters Sagittarius

    A fantastic day to reflect on your year.  And, on a practical note, send holiday greetings to your past bosses and colleagues. They might prove to be useful contacts in the future. 

    ✨ December 23 11:04 a.m. to 10:40 p.m. PST: Opportunity Period! 

    This opportunity period is versatile and is good for anything from arts and spirituality to practical matters to connecting with others. 
    How lovely! Take advantage of this special time before the holidays when the planets align just right.

    ✨ December 24: Waxing Moon in Gemini; the Sun sextile Saturn

    The energies are chatty and social today and leading into Christmas. The Sun-Saturn connection may add a serious tone to some of the conversations, but it's a great energy for spending time with your older family members.

    December 25-31: 

    The holiday energies are brimming with love and good cheer this week. 

    The Full Moon right after Christmas Day is a great time to release anything you don't want to take with you into the new year.
    Mercury squaring Neptune makes it a bad week for signing contracts or making agreements.  But, hopefully you'll be enjoying the high social and holiday vibe instead! 
    Jupiter is about to turn direct on December 30, and we will feel its optimistic, expansive energy throughout the week. The Sun makes a lucky trine to Jupiter - this week is infused with luck 🍀What a perfect way to close out the year 🎇🥂🍾

    2024, hope you will be good to us!!!!

    ✨  December 25: Waxing Moon in Gemini; Venus trine Neptune

    Ahhh how wonderful for Christmas Day! The social vibe of connecting with others continues.  And the Venus-Neptune trine promises harmony and love today.
    If you're single, spend some time on a dating app; you might just meet your Prince Charming today! 

    Full Moon in Cancer: December 26 4:33 p.m. PST

    All Full Moons are an invitation to give gratitude and celebrate. What are you thankful for this year? What good things (no matter how small) have come into your life? 

    And, after you've basked in the high energy of the Full Moon, set intentions to release what no longer serves you. This is the last Full Moon of this year!  Release anything you don't want to take with you into 2024.  Disappointments, insecurities, emotional eating (it's a Cancer Full Moon, after all!) - imagine them encapsulated in bubbles, floating away from you and disappearing. 

    ✨  December 27: The Sun trine Jupiter; Mercury Rx conjunct Mars.

    One of the luckiest, most positive and optimistic days of the year! Charge a citrine for luck.

    ✨  December 28: Mars square Neptune; Venus sextile Pluto

     A low-energy day. Take it easy if you can. Watch out for passive-aggressive behaviours. 

     ✨  December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius

    She calls for some adventure and lightheartedness in love matters: “Look for love in unexpected places. Get out of your comfort zone a bit. And if you’re in a relationship, do something fun, adventurous and lighthearted together”.
    Venus will stay in Sagittarius until January 23.

     ✨  December 30: Jupiter turns Direct aaaaand....Opportunity Period!

    Jupiter turning direct brings such a positive, optimistic vibe. And, the Moon is in Leo - and Leo loves a good celebration. The skies are brimming with joy.  How perfect for the upcoming New Year's Eve! 

    The stars align into an opportunity period between 6:39 a.m. to 9:18 p.m. PST. Great for creativity, having fun, and getting into a celebratory mood.

    ✨  December 31: 

    The Moon moves into Virgo as the day goes on, and trines Jupiter! You couldn't find a better, happier planetary energy for New Year's Eve. 

    Have a wonderful December! 

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