Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo:  February 12, 2025 at 5:53 a.m. PST

As always, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your progress. With Leo and Aquarius both in the mix, celebrate your unique gifts! We all have them. Embrace yours! Relish them.  Enjoy them. 

Affirm: "I have the power to make changes and to create the story of my life on my own terms". Tap into the powerful blend of Leo and Aquarius energies!

And then, set intentions to release anything that no longer serves you.  This Full Moon is particularly good for working on blocks to romance, joy, creativity, and any ego traps that might be holding you back in life.

How To:

  1. Set aside about 30 minutes after the Moon becomes full.  You don't have to be too precise with time; any time within 24 hours will work.

  2. Prepare your space. You will need to focus on your intentions. It may help to light a candle and burn some incense. A black candle is traditionally associated with removing things from your life, but a white candle will work as well.
  1. Spend a few minutes writing in your gratitude journal (or simply make a list of what you’re grateful for). This is IMPORTANT! Don't skip this step. By aligning with the energy of gratitude, you're inviting more blessings into your life.
  2. Then focus on what you want to release (behaviours or circumstances that don’t serve your goals). Truly FEEL your intentions. Feel the lightness in your soul as you're releasing your fears of getting hurt if you allow yourself to fall in love.  Feel the enjoyment of spending some quality time with your children. You can write your intentions on a piece of paper and burn it if you wish.

  3. Keep repeating your intentions over the next two weeks, until the New Moon on February 27.

     Sample Intentions for this Full Moon in Leo:

    “I want the fear that I will be hurt if I fall in love again to be lifted from me.”

    "I release my self-limiting belief that I'm not destined to experience a happy, fulfilling relationship in this lifetime".

    "I release my belief that I need to sacrifice my personal happiness for the sake of my children".

    "I want any worry that I'm not desirable enough gone from my life". 

    “I want any blocks to creativity lifted from me.”

    “I want <unhelpful behaviours> gone from my relationship with my child/children”.

    “I want to stop overspending on luxury items I can’t afford”.

    “I want my tendency to be too bossy lifted from me”.

    “I want all non-constructive pride lifted from me”.

    “I want my tendency to be overly dramatic gone from my life.”

    Want to Go Deeper? 

    We all have the ability to draw what we desire to us, the ability to manifest the future we want. We don't always use it, because we don't know how!

    We spend years in school, learning science and literature and many other subjects. Then we spend years developing skills we need for our career.

    And yet, the skill to manifest the future we want? For most of us, we didn't learn it growing up - but we can certainly learn it as adults.

    Join me for my "MoonManifest" program, that teaches you just that. You will learn how to:

    • Tap into the power of astrological timing
    • Focus and direct your own energy field
    • Connect with the much larger and more powerful energy field: the Universe.

    Participants Say:

    ✨ I'm celebrating an unexpected check! A big one. We are utterly shocked. I literally danced a jig around the house. lol.

    I’ve been working on manifesting financial abundance for the last year or so and wow! I learned how to do this in Daria’s MoonManifest course, applied it and I am reaping those efforts more and more. Thanks, Daria!

     - L. from Florida, USA

    ✨  Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - that is what this workshop aims to achieve and succeeds beautifully!

    Daria has designed a workshop that does not just focus on teaching folks "how" to manifest but also get a complete understanding of factors that influence manifestation.

    Thank you, Daria! It was better conceptualized and executed than any corporate training program I have attended.

    - H. from Texas, USA

    ✨ I love how honest and down-to-earth you are. Your teaching is a breath of fresh air.

    - S. from Pennsylvania, USA

    ✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.

    - C. from Berlin, Germany

    ✨ I was working on manifesting money easily and fast, for an upcoming trip. I received an unexpected performance bonus at work 2 weeks later.

    - N. from the Philippines 

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