Full Moon/Lunar Ecliplse in Virgo

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo: March 13, 2025, 11:55 p.m. PDT

This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, so the energies are supercharged.   

I always say, "set intentions on a New Moon that is also a Solar Eclipse only if you're a risk taker at heart".  Your desires can in fact materialize fast - I have a first-hand experience with this, and so do some of my clients But, what you're asking for can come into your life in an unexpected and possibly even jarring way.  

The same applies to a Lunar Eclipse, but to a lesser degree.  But, if there is something that you just can't put to bed and would like some help from the Universe, a Lunar Eclipse might just do the trick! 

The New and Full Moon come in pairs, in the opposite signs of the Zodiac. But, there is usually a quality these opposite signs share. For Pisces and Virgo, it’s all about healing, and finding the balance between discernment and unconditional acceptance. 

In the Lunar Cycle, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your accomplishments and give gratitude for the good in your life (and the same applies to a Lunar Eclipse).  It doesn't matter if your accomplishments feel like baby steps. Acknowledge them! Celebrate! This will energetically align you to receive more success and blessings on your journey. And then, once you've taken some time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress and any help you might have received on your journey, set your intentions to release what no longer servers you.  

Take advantage of this powerful Lunar Eclipse!  Set intentions to release perfectionism, tendency to judge or be critical of yourself (or others), feeling like you're never good enough, unhealthy habits, excessive weight, and the clutter that doesn’t serve you (emotional or physical).  It's also a great Full Moon to ask the Universe for help with managing or reducing anxiety! 

Imagine your inner critic shrinking until it's an inch tall and speaks in such ridiculously high-pitched voice that you just can't take it seriously. Or put it in a bubble and send it out of the window.  

While you get the best results if your New and Full Moon intentions are aligned with the astrological sign of the Moon, you’re not limited to these areas – anything that is not working is fair game to be released!

Then, at the next New Moon (March 29), make intentions for new beginnings. Replace what no longer serves you with what you want to attract: that’s the base principle of working with Lunar Energies.  Just remember that the next New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, so your intentions might materialize fast, but in an unpredictable way. 

How To:

  1. Set aside about 30 minutes any time within 12 hours following the Full Moon.

  2. Prepare your space. You will need to focus on your intentions. It may help to light a candle and burn some incense. A black candle is traditionally associated with removing things from your life, but a white candle will work as well.
  1. Spend a few minutes writing in your gratitude journal (or simply make a list of what you’re grateful for). This is IMPORTANT! Don't skip this step. By aligning with the energy of gratitude, you're inviting more blessings into your life.
  1. Then focus on what you want to release (behaviours or circumstances that don’t serve your goals). Truly FEEL your intentions. Feel the lightness in your soul as your thinking mind gets out of its overdrive.   Isn't it nice to know that the Universe got your back? That you don't have to drive yourself to high levels of anxiety by trying to anticipate and prepare for every single eventuality under the sun (which Virgo can do?)

  2. Keep repeating your intentions over the next two weeks, until the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on March 29. No more self-doubts. You're leaving them behind on this Full Moon in Virgo!   

Sample Intentions:

“I want my habit of obsessive worrying lifted from me. I want to focus on what is within my control.”

“I want (smoking, unhealthy eating habits….) gone from my life.”

“I’m letting go of my desire to fix others/myself.”

“I’m letting go of using critical language towards myself/others.”

“I want unhealthy perfectionism that doesn’t serve me to be lifted from me.”

“I’m letting go of focusing on flaws. I embrace accepting others/myself exactly as I am.”

“I want the nagging feeling that I’m never good enough gone from my life”.

To Go Deeper:

We all have the ability to draw what we desire to us, the ability to manifest the future we want. We don't always use it, because we don't know how!

We spend years in school, learning science and literature and many other subjects. Then we spend years developing skills we need for our career.

And yet, the skill to manifest the future we want? For most of us, we didn't learn it growing up - but we can certainly learn it as adults.

So...good news! My course, MoonManifest, that teaches you just that, will run live again this year!  It's so much more than a manifestation course.  We will work with the power of astrological timing, and that is a true game-changer. 

Participants Say:

✨ I still can’t believe it. Truly, I’ve been talking about moving/buying a house for decades but never felt it was within my reach. And then I took this course.

I think having those specific intentions, written clearly helped me to focus on achieving those goals.  Nothing dropped in my lap and I had to make the effort but rather than having to walk the whole way, a moving walkway appeared at just the right moments to help me over some challenging spots.  From now on I’m going to work WITH the Universe!

- I. from Illinois, USA

✨ I love how honest and down-to-earth you are. Your teaching is a breath of fresh air.

- S. from Pennsylvania, USA

✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.

- C. from Berlin, Germany

✨ I'm celebrating an unexpected check!  A big one. We are utterly shocked. I literally danced a jig around the house. lol.

I’ve been working on manifesting financial abundance for the last year or so and wow! I learned how to do this in Daria's Moon Manifest Challenge, applied it and I am reaping those efforts more and more. 

- L. from Florida, USA

✨The course has been great so far! The details, the length, the explanation (even the music) is perfect!

- H. from Texas, USA

✨ During the New Moon, I asked for money to arrive easily and unexpectedly. And I received a modest but unexpected bonus at work.

- N. from Manila, Philippines. 

Learn more about the course here

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