Weekly Forecast for Jan. 13-19 2025
Note: the dates in this forecast are for Pacific to Eastern time.
The back-drop of the week is that Mars continues to retrograde through Cancer. While it's not the greatest time to initiate big bold beginnings, it's very helpful for burying the hatchet, especially if you're embroiled in a conflict with your family members. And, if that's the case - or if you're valiantly trying to put challenging childhood experiences behind you - the Full Moon at 24° Cancer, happening this week, is your friend.
In other news, Jupiter is stationing, getting ready to turn direct on February 4.
But, as always, there is more! Read on....
✨ Jan. 13: the Sun trine Uranus; Full Moon at 2:27 p.m. PST.
This is an intense Full Moon, because it's conjunct Mars retrograde. Emotions can run high! If you set intentions on a New and Full Moon (and if you don't, you should really give it a try!), this is a great Full Moon to ask the Universe for help with letting go of insecurities, challenging family dynamics, and emotional eating.
Read more here.
In my webinar, Navigating 2025, I provide a number of astro-hacks for the year ahead. One of them is to look for the times Jupiter stations. If it hits your natal chart just right, it can bring an extended stretch of opportunities!
Jupiter will be stationed at 11° Gemini between Jan. 15 and Feb. 26. Keep an eye out for opportunities entering your life if you have planets or Angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between:
- 8-15° Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo
Avoid starting anything new that you want to succeed during these times:
- Jan. 13, 8:46 p.m. to Jan. 14, 1:12 a.m. PST
- Jan. 15, 8:10 p.m. to Jan. 16, 8:46 a.m. PST
- Jan 18, 6:01 p.m. to 7:33 p.m. PST
🎇🎇🎇 Welcome, 2025!
Four outer planets all change signs, which is a rare and powerful energy shift. What's more, Saturn and Neptune both move into Aries, forming a super-powerful conjunction that will peak in 2026. In the past, it brought major changes in world leadership and big ideology shifts.
There is more! An equally powerful Uranus-Pluto conjunction is starting to build, Jupiter moves into Cancer mid year and teams up with Saturn - how nice! Will the housing crisis finally be over? Tune into my webinar, "Navigating 2025", to find out.
"Loving all the information! Excellently done. Great value. - L. from British Columbia, Canada".
Pre-recorded in easy-to-view chapters, it will guide you through the key energies of 2025 and which ones you should pay attention to, based on your natal chart. It also includes an astrology planner that identifies auspicious periods of the year for specific pursuits.
Get ready for your year ahead!