Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Astrology of April 2025

    Mercury and Venus turn direct, and the heavy retrograde season of 2025 is behind us! The first week of April brims with helpful energies for business and career.  The Full Moon in Libra is fantastic for healing old romantic wounds.  There are some great dates for love and romance sprinkled through the month.  

    And as always, there is more! 

  • Astrology of March 2025

    March is an intense and eventful month.  Venus and Mercury both will be retrograde, overlapping for a part of the month.  In an unusual twist, they will be visiting the same signs of the Zodiac.  And so this Venus Rx brings helpful energies, actually.

    The eclipse season kicks off in March, too.  And, Neptune temporarily moves into Aries! And that is a very big energy shift. 

  • Astrology Forecast for February 2025

    February features a very romantic Venus-Neptune conjunction on Feb. 1, and many beneficial aspects to Mercury throughout the month.  There are many good dates for communication-related matters, contracts and negotiations - and for business-related matters.

    Jupiter and Mars both come out of retrograde, and the month ends with one week of all planets going direct! 

  • Astrology Forecast for January 2025

    January has some great astrology for working on challenging family dynamics, connecting with your inner power, setting healthy boundaries, and finding solutions to stubborn problems.  Read all about it in this astro-forecast!
  • Astrology Forecast for December 2024

    December brings a lot of retrograde energy, but it also has a few great highlights too!  There are a couple of fantastic days for spiritual pursuits, some very good dates for romance, with the most auspicious energy of the month arriving on Dec. 19 (Pacific to Eastern time), when Venus makes a trine to Jupiter. 
  • Astrology Forecast for November 2024

    This month, Mercury turns retrograde, Saturn turns direct, and Mars starts slowing down in the skies.  If you have something big to take off the ground, try to do it between  Nov. 4 - 20. There is just too much retrograde energy after for anything too ambitious, so you might as well plan for some rest and relaxation in December (if you can!) 

    By the time Thanksgiving arrives in the USA, Mercury is still freshly retrograde, so be careful in your communication.  But, the Moon forms some lovely aspects as the day goes on, so by the time you get to your Thanksgiving dinner with the family, things should flow smoothly. 

  • Astrology Forecast for October 2024

    October starts on a tense by also very powerful note. The New Moon on October 2 is also a Solar Eclipse.  If you feel your love life is non-existent, this Solar Eclipse is for you! 

    Pluto turns direct, and Jupiter turns retrograde this month.  They are moving verrry slowly in the skies, and the energies they represent stay strong the entire month.
    Power dynamics are highlighted.  On a lighter note, some fortunate souls will benefit from an extended stretch of expansive Jupiter energy.  Keep reading to the "Jupiter Retrograde" section to see if that person is you! 
  • Astrology Forecast for September 2024

    September brings very powerful energies. Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn on September 1 - for the last time in our lifetime!   The eclipse season kicks off with a powerhouse of a Lunar Eclipse - the first in a series of Pisces-Virgo eclipses.  And, if you're a Virgo, you might just be the lucky recipient of the planets aligning themselves into a rare Grand Trine/Kite this month! 
  • Astrology Forecast for August 2024

    Art by Christine's HeArt Art Studio, shared with permission.

    August is a challenging month astrologically.  Mercury is retrograde pretty much for the entire month, and a difficult Jupiter-Saturn square is active in the skies.

    The best dates this month are August 5-8. 
  • Astrology Forecast for July 2024

    July is a good month astrologically.  Mars makes a high number of aspects, and so there are many good dates for career or business undertakings. The first 10 days of the month feature strong Cancer energies.  Focus on your home, family and roots! Neptune turns retrograde on July 2, giving the first two weeks a dreamy, compassionate vibe.
  • Astrology Forecast for June 2024

    June's energies are book-ended:  the first week offers the best energies of the month, with a very lovely Sun-Venus conjunction (a.k.a. Venus Starpoint), It opens the heart and is one of the best energies of the year for love, healing and acceptance.

    Then, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, all in Gemini, take turns butting heads with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.  It's the energy of confusion, lack of clarity, and frustrating obstacles and delays.

    But, celestial peace is restored when the last week of June arrives. 

  • Astrology Forecast for May 2024

    May is a very lovely and eventful month astrologically.  Jupiter moves into Gemini, bringing opportunities for expansion in new areas.  This month also brings Sun-Jupiter AND Venus-Jupiter conjunctions: two most auspicious dates of the year both happen this month.  Romance, finances, career matters, personal power - May has some strong auspicious dates for all of these areas!