Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Astrology of 2025 and the World Economy

    I'm sure many of us shake our heads in amazement when we watch the news these days, especially where the US politics are concerned.  For some, it's the beginning of the golden age.  And for some, it's the return to the dark ages.   There is one thing we can all agree on though: the world may be moving to a very different paradigm.

    The question is, good or bad? This is what astrology says about it all.

  • Saturn Turns Direct: "Adulting" is Hard, but Necessary

    I remember attending a team meeting with a group of young interns we hired. I was checking in about their experience at our company. For many, it was their first job. "Well, I guess that's what being a working adult feels like", said a dark-haired young woman, lighting the Zoom meeting with an infectious smile. "Adulting is hard!" I heard this phrase before, and still it made me laugh. It was so perfectly Saturn. 

    After 4 ½ months in Retrograde, Saturn, the planet of responsibility and commitment – but also of challenges and restrictions – turns direct on November 15. And when it visits our natal chart, that's exactly what it's asking us to do - to become (even) more of an adult, regardless of our age.

  • Fate or Free Will?

    Fate or free will? This one is a BIG question! How much of our life is pre-determined, and how much can we change? Most of my clients believe in free will, and so do I. 
    "The stars impel but they don't compel", an old astrology saying goes.  A lot of times, we have more free will then we realize.  But...there is something you need to keep in mind.  More in this jaw-dropping story of a client of mine...
  • "Am I Cursed?": Astrology of a Difficult Time

    “Why am I going through such a long and difficult stretch? Am I cursed?” is the question that's come up in many of my readings, over the last couple of years. Spoiler alert: 99.9% of the time, the answer is a "no". But, there are some things to be aware of, astrologically and energetically!