Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Astrology of 2025 and the World Economy

    I'm sure many of us shake our heads in amazement when we watch the news these days, especially where the US politics are concerned.  For some, it's the beginning of the golden age.  And for some, it's the return to the dark ages.   There is one thing we can all agree on though: the world may be moving to a very different paradigm.

    The question is, good or bad? This is what astrology says about it all.

  • Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction 2024

    One of the most anticipated celestial events of 2024 is coming up!  On April 20, Jupiter and Uranus will come together at 21° Taurus, in a conjunction.  It's the energy of massive transformational change and quantum leaps, and we will start feeling it as early as mid-March 2024.

    If it hits your natal chart just right, 2024 could be a pivotal year in your life. 

  • Uranus and the 7-Year Itch

    It takes Uranus 7 years to go through a Zodiac sign.  And as it’s moving through the sign, at some point it will connect with your natal Sun (= potential for an overall life change) and your Venus (= potential for change in your love life and finances).  

    I can't tell you how often I have a client coming in for a love reading when transiting Uranus connects with their natal chart....

  • Working with Uranus: Is it Time for Change?

    My job as an astrologer is to let you know what the future has in store, but also to help you navigate the energies coming into your life.

    Uranus is all about change, freedom, and the unexpected. The energy it brings can be invigorating and magnetic, but it can also be unstable and chaotic.

    When transiting Uranus makes a big connection with your natal chart, you can expect an eventful year!  And even when it doesn't make any aspects to your natal planets, the House (area of life) it goes through can undergo impactful changes.

  • Uranus Retrograde 2022

    URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE: August 24 2022 Uranus, the planet of freedom, change and the unexpected, turns retrograde on August 24, at 18° Taurus. I...