Astrology Forecast for 2025

Happy New Year! Warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025, from my home to yours.🎇🎉🍾
2025...a Sneak Peak Into an Upcoming Massive Shift
In 2025, four outer planets change signs. Jupiter (luck, opportunities) changes signs every year, bringing opportunities and expansion into yet another area of life – or a sector of the economy! So that doesn't exactly make astro-headlines 😊
But in addition to Jupiter, in 2025 Saturn, Uranus and Neptune ALL briefly move into the next sign, before returning to their current one. And that is a very big energy shift, that will fully play out in 2026.
In essence, 2025 will give us a sneak peak into the new era that lies before us.
Because each planet takes a different amount of time to orbit the Sun, it's rare for Saturn, Uranus AND Neptune to shift signs all at once. What's more, two of these planets - Saturn and Neptune - will be entering Aries. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents the start of an entirely new, fresh astrological cycle. Wow, that's BIG!
These planets will also be moving from earth and water signs into air and fire signs, amplifying the energy of brand-new beginnings and forward momentum.
When an outer planet changes signs, humanity takes a step in a new direction. We already experienced one of such shifts, with Pluto settling into Aquarius. It takes Pluto 248 years to travel around the Zodiac, so we're experiencing the energy of Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetimes. 2025, another shift of the same magnitude is coming. And then some! Neptune briefly moves into Aries, and that's another cosmic cycle that we'll experience for the first time in our personal lifetimes. It takes Neptune 165 years to circle the Zodiac. The last time it was in Aries was from 1862 to 1875!
Uranus changes signs this year too - and it's not far behind in terms of impact. It was last in Gemini from 1941 to 1949, so unless you're in your mid 70s or older, it will be new to you as well!
That is a LOT of energy shifts in one year!
And if that's not enough, Saturn changes signs too, moving into Aries - and coming close to a stunning conjunction with Neptune, that will fully play out in 2026.
While the planets will only spend a few months in their new signs, 2025 is going to give us a taste of what's to follow, when 2026 comes.
All the outer planets play nicely in 2025, for the most part, which is generally good for the economy (and doesn’t indicate any upcoming global crises). Well, there is that Saturn-Neptune conjunction building, and Uranus-Pluto trine...more on these aspects below. But hopefully for the greater good of the planet, unlike some of the events that transpired over the centuries, under these planetary energies.
The energy shifts start happening in Q2 and then some spectacular fireworks start coming together, with some of the biggest and juiciest astro-aspects we've seen in a while - although they will play out fully in 2026.
Mars Retrograde: Dec. 6 2024 - Feb. 23 2025
Before all this excitement with planets changing signs happens though, there is a lot of retrograde energy to get through in the first 3.5 months of the year.
The year starts with Mars in retrograde. Its been in retrograde since Dec. 6 2024, and will end on Feb. 23 2025 at 17° Cancer.
Some astro-tips for Mars Retrograde:
- You can set your New Year’s resolutions - preferably on a New Moon - but it may be challenging to put them in action
- Don’t “initiate war” (including filing for divorce or legal proceedings)
- Don’t schedule elective surgery (emergency or medically necessary surgery is fine)
- Examine where your energy goes; check for “energy leaks”.
- Communicate your boundaries
- Bury the hatchet
- A great time to start anger management therapy
Traditional astrology doesn't recommend starting any new projects under Mars Retrograde, and this is a prudent caution. But, the stars don't control our life; they help us navigate it!
(From experience however, I've found that projects started during Mars Retrograde tend to take an unusually long time).
New Year Resolutions:
If you set new year resolutions, it's best to do this on the New Moon on December 30 2024, or the New Moon on January 29 2025 (Pacific to Eastern time).
Strategize and plan for the year ahead, but don't put your plans into action just yet. It may be difficult to get them off the ground before Mars Retrograde is over.
Venus Retrograde: March 1 - April 12, 2025:
Just days after Mars turns direct, Venus turns retrograde.
- Starts on March 1 at 10° Aries
- Ends on April 12 at 24° Pisces.
Some astro-tips for Venus Retrograde:
- Reflect on your needs in a relationship
- Heal blocks to love
- Exes might resurface - do you really want them back?
- Not a favourable time for a wedding or a marriage proposal
Not the greatest time for anything “beautification”, such as cosmetic surgery or expensive renovations
- “Must haves” or routine procedures are fine
Mercury Retrograde:
In 2025, we have 3 Mercury Retrogrades, in fire and water signs:
March 14 - April, 7 2025
- from 9° Aries to 26° Pisces
July 17 – August 11, 2025:
from 15° to 4° Leo
from 15° to 4° Leo
November 11 – November 29, 2025:
from 6° Sagittarius to 20° Scorpio
Let's talk about the planets changing signs first.
Neptune and Saturn Move Into Aries: March and May 2025
So. as I mentioned, Neptune and Saturn will spend the balance of the year in Pisces, but will visit Aries on the following dates:
- Neptune: March 30 - October 22, 2025
- Saturn: May 25 - Sept. 1 2025
Neptune is finishing its nearly 14-year stay in Pisces. Neptune is a highly idealistic sign, and Pisces magnifies that desire for compassion and universal love - so much so that eventually it can become distorted.
"To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada," the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau twitted in January 2017, smack in the middle of Neptune's journey through Pisces.
All good.... until Canada realized that its infrastructure, housing, and healthcare couldn't expand fast enough to accommodate a huge wave of immigration that followed. That coincided with Saturn moving into Pisces in 2023, saying to Neptune: "You're not always in touch with the pragmatic aspects of human existence. Let me rebalance things a bit".
2024 has seen a growing disenchantment with DEI, wokeism, and drug decriminalization here in Canada. They all started as worthy causes (Neptune in Pisces), but eventually people started wondering if we're throwing the baby out with the bathwater (Saturn in Pisces).
As boundary-building, pragmatic Saturn is finishing its stay in Pisces, too, it's re-establishing balance where it was lost.
As Neptune moves into Aries, we can expect the utopian tendences to recede, and life to return to a new normal that builds on the advances made in the past 14 years, but leaves excesses behind.
Saturn and Neptune will stay roommates, this time in Aries, until 2028. During that time, they will be shaping and re-shaping such themes as:
- Leaders and leadership
- Personal agency (=what are YOU responsible for?)
- Wars and the military (hopefully the end of the Russia-Ukraine conflict - movement toward peace is likely in 2025, but may not fully come together until 2026)🙏🏼
- Entrepreneurship
- Courage
- Competitiveness
- Conception and birth rates, and fertility (esp. male fertility).
I'll write a post on Saturn and Neptune in Aries when the time comes - but I cover their stay in Aries - and which signs should pay attention - in my webinar Navigating 2025: What the Stars Have in Store for Us.
Nodal Axis Shifts Into Pisces/Virgo: January 2025
A lot of change, you're thinking? Well, there is more!
The nodal axis changes signs, too, which happens every 2.5 years. In my experience, the sign the eclipses are in can be a very accurate predictor of the experience we're going to have during that period. The nodes change signs on January 11.
Eclipses in Pisces and Virgo are associated with healthcare, drugs, social work, spirituality, data and systems, borders, ocean, floods, fishing industry.
As 2025 unfolds, we'll be leaving behind 2.5 years of disruptions related to labour disputes and strikes, fires, and gender issues. And, not a moment too soon!
Eclipse Dates:
- March 14 2025, 11:55 p.m. PDT: Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo
- March 29 2025, 3:58 a.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries
- September 7 2025, 11:09 p.m. PDT: Lunar Eclipse at 15° Pisces
- September 21 2025, 12:54 p.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 29° Virgo
If you're a Virgo or Pisces, pay attention to the dates and degrees of these eclipses. If the dates are within 2 days of your birthday, 2025 may bring some radical shifts (especially if there are other transits that bring change, affecting your natal chart in 2025).
Pluto Stays in Aquarius: Technology Revolution Continues
There is one outer planet that doesn't change signs in 2025, and that's Pluto. But, Pluto just changed signs too! In 2024, Pluto settled into Aquarius for a good long time - until 2043. And wow, the explosion of AI we're experiencing! And that might be just the beginning... Uranus, the planet of change and technology will be moving into Gemini in 2025.
Pluto's shift into Aquarius is not all about technology though. It's also transforming the governments in many countries. The upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction can accelerate that process.
There can also be changes around the way information is disseminated. It's hard to imagine our life before Internet and social media now, but Pluto in Aquarius is transformational for technology.
When Pluto changes signs, our lives and society as a whole can change in unprecedented ways. This is not an overnight can take years – or even decades – to fully unfold.
Read my full post on Pluto in Aquarius here.
Pluto moves so very will visit 1-3° Aquarius in 2025. It will start forming a trine with Uranus mid-August to October 2025, and that's a very powerful energy. It can bring a major and positive life change if it connects with your natal chart just right.
I cover this energy, and the signs that need to pay attention to it, in Navigating 2025.
Jupiter Starts the Year in Gemini...
Jupiter has been in Gemini since May 25 2024, and will continue trekking through the Sign of Twins until June 9 2025.
When Jupiter is in Gemini, some of the following sectors tend to prosper:
- Communications
- Air travel
- Transportation and vehicles
- Information and social connections
Much, however, depends on the aspects Jupiter makes. In 2024, we had a Jupiter-Pluto trine in the summer (good), and two Jupiter-Saturn squares, one in August and one in December (expansion and contraction battling one another; no great gains either way).
If you're a Gemini, this Jupiter's transit of Gemini may not be as exuberant or joyful as some other years Jupiter was in Gemini - because of the Jupiter-Saturn squares. One area of your life might be constricting and another expanding. Or, a part of 2024 might have been fantastic, and yet another part was not as great.
...Jupiter Then Moves Into Cancer: June 2025
Jupiter changes signs every year, and it's always an exciting part of the year, because opportunities for expansion and advancement shift.
On June 9, 2025 Jupiter will move into Cancer. Good news for you, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces!
Jupiter is exalted (verrrry comfortable) in Pisces. Nice!
Jupiter can bring an increased demand or supply. In the case of Cancer, it could be in the following sectors:
- Real estate - please note we're unlikely to get durable improvement of the housing shortages and prices in 2025. I discuss this - and when we might get some relief - in my webinar, "Navigating 2025".
- Agriculture and food
Uranus Moves into Gemini: July 2025
The last time Uranus changed signs from Taurus to Gemini was May 1942, so many of us today will have not experienced this transit.
And, let me tell you something else. Historically, Uranus in Gemini tends to bring a very eventful period for the planet.
Uranus, too, will spend most of 2025 in Taurus, but it will dip its toe into Gemini on the following dates:
- July 7 - Nov. 8 2025
It will then retrograde into Taurus for one last hurrah, before returning to Gemini on April 25 2026 - and staying there for further 6+ years.
Uranus in Gemini typically heralds radical change to communication, ideas and thinking, social interactions, technology, commerce, education or travel.
The first telephone devices were invented during the Uranus transit of Geminin in mid-1800s, while the last Uranus-in-Gemini period of 1942 to 1949 saw the golden ages of Hollywood and radio.
Hopefully we can look to more technological advances and innovation during the upcoming transit of Uranus in Gemini! Especially considering that Pluto is now in Aquarius, the sign Uranus rules. And that's another astrological marker of major technological advances.
But, every time Uranus was in Gemini since the USA was formed, it went to war... You see, the 7th House in the chart of the USA rules wars as well as diplomatic relationships, and it's in Gemini. Hopefully, history doesn't have to repeat itself.
So that's the planets. Now let's talk about the incredibly powerful aspects that are starting to build this year.
Major Aspects
Yon can tell a lot about what the year ahead will be like by looking at how the outer planets get along. And thankfully, for the most part, they do in 2025!
Saturn-Neptune (Near) Conjunction: June-August 2025
We have a very special planetary alignment that starts in 2025 and comes into full power in February 2026: a Saturn-Neptune conjunction. We will start feeling this energy around April 2025 and it will get progressively amplified in the summer.
This is a relatively rare planetary energy that comes together every 36 years, and it can be quite impactful. Most years it happened, there was a big geopolitical shift, usually ideology-driven.
The Russian Revolution in 1917 happened under this conjunction, and ushered the socialist state. And the Berlin Wall came down under a Saturn-Neptune conjunction as well, in 1989. And with that came the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
It seems like Russia tends to resonate to this celestial energy particularly strongly, so I think we can expect some big shifts related to that country, starting in 2025 and fully playing out by mid-2026.
This conjunction has been associated, over the centuries, with an arrival of a charismatic leader whose presence shapes global affairs in significant ways. And so has the Uranus-Pluto trine (below). Some of these figures weren't exactly to the good of the humanity, but hopefully this time will be different.
On a personal level, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction is a huge manifestor aspect, helping you bring a cherished dream into reality when it connects with your natal chart just right.
Uranus-Pluto (Near) Trine: August-October 2025
Uranus trine Pluto occurs in a repeating cycle of every 105, 37, 74, and 37 years - because of Pluto's elliptic orbit. It has been 105 years since the last series in 1921-22. And the next series will be only 37 years from now, in 2063-65.
Uranus and Pluto will come close to a trine in 2025, but, much like the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, it won't become exact (at it's most powerful) until 2026. But then, we will have 5 repeating trines!
- July 18, 2026
- November 29,2026
- June 15, 2027
- January 13, 2028
- May 9, 2028
During the last series of Uranus-Pluto trines in 1921-22:
- Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin come to power.
- The Chinese Communist Party, Spanish Communist Party, and the National Fascist Party Italy were founded.
- The Soviet Union was officially established.
- The Irish War of Independence ends under with a truce.
- Revolutions in Greece, Turkey, and elsewhere.
- Discovery of the hormone insulin.
- First public radio broadcasts.
So from 2026-28, we can expect some radical social, political, and economic change and perhaps new global leaders. Note that the outer planets get along, for the most part, between 2025-2027, so there doesn't have to be a militant leader, or a war!
Jupiter- Saturn/ Neptune (Near) Trine: October-December 2025
Yet again, these planets be close enough to one another in 2025 to form a beneficial trine, but it won't become exact until 2026.
This is yet another "dreams come true" aspect where the abundance of Jupiter meets the magic of Neptune, and Saturn helps to bring this magic into the physical realm.
It can be a super beneficial energy if it connects with your natal chart, which will happen for some of you, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.
Much more to share with you in my webinar "Navigating 2025". Global trends. Impacts on your sign. Practical tips from this astrologer who's done over 5,562 readings (as of June 2024. I lost count after 😆)