About Us

When I chose "AstroLoggia" for my site's name, it was to create a space where the practical and the metaphysical come together.
A loggia is a room open on one (or more) sides to the elements. What if we had a "loggia" for our soul: something that connects us to the Universe and the life energy flowing all around us? This is what this site is all about.
Try a Tarot or astrology reading. Read my blog about the planetary energies affecting us at the moment. Or, take one of my workshops or courses. Connect with the invisible life force pulsating all around us. Once you do, it can be a game changer.
The Person Behind This Site....
The person behind this site is me, Daria Rowe. AstroLoggia is an evolution of my life's journey. The house of my life has many rooms, so to speak.
I spent 20 years building my corporate career before finally becoming Mom to my beautiful daughter and launching my astrology and Tarot business. I had the most amazing luck of meeting and marrying the love of my life (second marriage).
The reason I'm so passionate about helping you navigate your life with astrology and Tarot is this:
One day 25 years ago, I came across an astrology book in a public library. I devoured in just a couple of sittings, and started to decipher my own natal chart.
My first reaction was skepticism and disbelief.
"No, this person can't be me!", I thought. "This astrology thing makes no sense".
My natal chart described someone who was a courageous trail-blazer (my Leo Sun is closely conjunct my natal Mars).
And me at that time? I wasn't just reading books at that library. I was hiding out from my abusive first marriage. From the reality of working two jobs, six days a week, and barely making ends meet. From my fear and inability to break free. I was in a new country, with no support system around me. No family. No friends. I felt so alone.
And then...something life-changing, transformational happened. I decided to give my natal chart a chance 🙂
"What if I AM that person? What would she do? What would a courageous trail-blazer do?"
The answer was clear.
I found the courage to divorce my husband and to strike it on my own with just enough in my bank account to cover one month rent.
Yup, it was that astrology book that showed me what was possible. That there was much more to me as a person than that lonely, scared, overworked young woman. (Learn what your natal chart says about you! It might be one of the best gifts you give to yourself).
And today? Understanding astrological cycles helped me to manifest "Freedom 55" at the age of 51 and retire early. It encouraged me to not give up on a verrrry long journey to becoming a mother - until my daughter materialized at the unlikely age of 47. Just as my astrological chart had told me years before that! Of course, I didn't believe it at the time.
Successes, great love, disappointments, losses, grief, fulfillment of wishes and HOPE! - all of those are part of my life. Judgement, however, is not in my vocabulary...
I do believe the future is not set in stone! We co-create our experience with the Universe. Astrology is one way to help us tap into Divine Timing, and to build the future our soul desires.
By the time I'm writing this, I have had the honour of meeting many beautiful souls around the globe: over 5,000 readings since I started reading professionally. I lost count at 5,000 😊 I continue to be humbled at how beautiful the human soul is, and how perfectly imperfect.
This photo of the Full Moon rising was taken from my balcony - my own urban sanctuary in the sky.