Astrology Forecast for February 2025

All dates are for Pacific to Eastern time. 

Overview of February 2025

February features a very romantic Venus-Neptune conjunction on Feb. 1, and many beneficial aspects to Mercury throughout the month.  There are many good dates to choose from for communication-related matters (such as presentations or proposals), negotiations and contracts.  There are also several good dates for business-related matters. 

Just remember that Mars is still in retrograde until Feb. 24.  Traditional astrology doesn't recommend starting any new projects under Mars Retrograde, and this is a prudent caution. But, the stars don't control our life; they help us navigate it! 

(From experience however, I've found that projects started during Mars Retrograde tend to take an unusually long time).

Venus enters assertive Aries on February 3.  Uh-oh…she will be turning retrograde on March 1… 

Mercury moves into romantic Pisces on February 14.  

And the Sun follows into Pisces on February 18.  Happy Birthday, Pisces!

This post is a high-level overview of February.  Read my weekly astro-weather forecasts to learn about the week ahead in detail. 

Forecast for Feb. 3-9 2025

Uranus Stationed at 23° Taurus

Uranus is now direct, but it continues to stay at 23° Taurus throughout the entire month, because it's moving so slowly at the moment. 

If you have personal planets or angles between 19-25° Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo or Scorpio, chances are, you're feeling this energy. January and February  could be when things can get "unstuck" for you, and you may be welcoming change into your life (or resisting, depending on your natal chart!)

Pay attention to Feb. 11, when the Sun squares Uranus.  That's when changes or unexpected developments might happen.

Jupiter Turns Direct on Feb. 4, at 11° Gemini

The month sure opens on a high note.  When Jupiter is about to change direction, the energy of expansion and luck is extra high in the skies. Take full advantage!

The year Jupiter makes a positive connection with your natal Sun can bring many opportunities. There is only one problem... this energy will last for 2-3 weeks, so if you don't know when it arrives for you personally, you can easily miss it!

But, let me tell you a little-known secret. As any other planet, Jupiter slows down in the skies before it changes direction - the technical term is "stationing". And, if it just so happens that Jupiter stations close to your personal planets or the angles in your natal chart, you can have an extended period of opportunities.

Jupiter is stationed at 11° Gemini until Feb. 26.  Keep an eye out for opportunities entering your life if you have planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between: 8-15° Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo. 

All Planets Direct:  Feb. 24 - March 1

Mars finally turns direct this month!  And, once it does, we'll have one week of all planets going direct - Feb. 24 to March 1 (when Venus turns retrograde).  We have a stretch every year when all the planets are direct, and it's a fantastic time to get new undertakings off the ground (for anything big, such as selecting an auspicious date for a wedding, consult an astrologer however).

Then, Venus Retrograde will set in.  The first 4 1/2 months of 2025 have quite a bit of retrograde energy, but then!  We're going to experience a very significant energy shift.  I'll write more about that when the time comes. Or register for my pre-recorded webinar, Navigating 2025, to get all the exciting details early! 

Does Your Birthday Fall Between Feb. 27 - March 31?  

At the end of the month, the planets start gathering close together in Pisces and Aries, which will last from Feb. 27 and through the entire March.  If your birthday falls between Feb. 27 and March 31, this is the year to order your Solar Return reading.  There will be an area in your life receiving a supersized focus in the next 12 months.  

For one of my clients, the planets fell into the 12th House of her Solar Return chart. Such a strong concentration of energy in the 12th House is fantastic for charitable work, but can also bring some health issues.  Remember, the beauty of your Solar Return chart is that the Houses change depending on your location on your birthday.  So you can travel for your birthday, you can choose in which area of your life you want this powerhouse of energy to play out!  She wanted to enhance her professional life and/or finances, and sure enough, we were able to find a couple of good places that repositioned her Solar Return chart in a positive manner.  

And What About Valentine's Day?

February can be one of those dreaded months.  "I don't want to spend another Valentine's Day alone!", say my single clients.  "I don't want the pressure of finding the perfect Valentine's gift and staging the perfect romantic evening!", say my clients who are in a relationship.

And then, there are those blessed souls, all starry-eyed and swept in a romantic wave...💖

So here is the lowdown on the best dates for love and romance - whether you're single or not!

We do have some great romantic energies this month, but they are BEFORE Valentine's Day.  

Jan. 31 - Feb. 1:  Venus Conjunct Neptune

This is one of the power dates of the month for love and romance.  Call in a soulmate relationship! The stars align into an Opportunity Period between 1:02 a.m. to 2:06 p.m. PST.  Approach that cute person you've been eyeing.  Sign up for the dating app. 

And if you're already hitched, schedule a romantic date.  Just the two of you. 

Feb. 6-7:  Venus Sextile Pluto

This is the energy of passion and deep connections.  Another two good days to meet someone new, go on a first date, or spend some quality time with your partner! 

February 12, 5:53 a.m. PST: Full Moon at 24° Leo

As always, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your progress. With Leo and Aquarius both in the mix, celebrate your unique gifts! We all have them. Embrace yours! 

And then, set intentions to release anything that no longer serves you.  This Full Moon is particularly good for working on blocks to romance, joy, creativity, and any ego traps that might be holding you back in life.

February 27, 4:45 p.m. PST: New Moon at 9° Pisces

This beautiful and spiritual New Moon is great for setting intentions for artistic inspiration, an increased ability to receive Divine guidance, forgiveness, improved sleep, and addiction-free life. 

Cautions This Month: 

Feb. 10-11:  Mercury square Uranus;  the Sun square Uranus

A very rebellious energy.  Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. 

Feb. 20:   Mercury square Jupiter

Don’t promise more than you can deliver.  And, don’t fall prey to over the top sales pitches today.  

2025 is the Beginning of a Massive Energy Shift

So much more to share with you in my webinar "Navigating 2025"!  Don't miss the overview of the amazing astrology alignments and shifts we're about to experience.

Global trends. Impacts on your sign. Practical tips from this astrologer who's done over 5,562 readings (as of June 2024. I lost count after 😆)  Pre-recorded in easy-to-view chapters. 

So there you have it! Have a wonderful February.

Don't forget to sign up for my free weekly astro-newsletter to receive my monthly and weekly forecasts in your Inbox. As a thank you for signing up, you will also receive a free gift.

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