Astrology of 2025 and the World Economy
I'm sure many of us shake our heads in amazement when we watch the news these days, especially where the US politics are concerned. For some, it's the beginning of the golden age. And for some, it's the return to the dark ages. There is one thing we can all agree on though: the world may be moving to a very different paradigm.
The question is, good or bad? This is what astrology says about it all:
2025 and 2026 are two very important years. In fact, the energy shift we're experiencing now is as significant as the planetary alignments of 2020, although not even remotely as harsh. For the last few years, I always referenced 2020 as the cornerstone year in my annual webinars for the year ahead. It was important to understand the astrology of 2020, because everything else unfolded from there.
Well, guess what? The astrology of 2025 and 2026 is just as impactful, although not nearly as harsh.
Four out of five outer planets change signs between March-July 2025, and that is an unusually massive energy shift. Because each planet takes a different amount of time to orbit the Sun, it's rare for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune ALL to change signs within 4 months.
They will only stay in their new signs for a few months this year, so 2025 is a preview of the big shifts we may experience in 2026.
What's more, two of these planets - Saturn and Neptune - will be entering Aries. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents the start of an entirely new, fresh astrological cycle. Wow, that's BIG! 2025/2026 is another pivotal period.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: Generational Trend-Setters
The thing is, when Uranus, Neptune or Pluto change signs, we feel it on many levels. One of these planets changing signs is enough to bring trend changes at the economic, political and world level. Pluto was the first one to change signs - it first dipped its toes into Aquarius in 2023. And in 2025, Uranus and Neptune change signs too.
Saturn and Jupiter also affect global trends, although for a shorter period of time.
Just imagine the big huge shifts that can happen now, with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all changing signs in one year! What a time to be alive!
A New Paradigm: Potential Deglobalization, New Alliances, and....
So, what do we need to know about the global economy? In September 2023, I wrote a post on Pluto entering Aquarius. My forecast was that we will experience a period of de-globalization. With the eclipses moving through Libra and Aries until March 2025, new international alliances can be made, and wars (not necessarily involving the military) can be started. There may be more geopolitical changes and shocks.
I feel we're about to enter a new paradigm as far as the global economy goes. What wasn't working will now be shed, or shelved. Solutions will be found to many stubborn problems, and that can happen in 2025-2026! But, as with all paradigm shifts, new problems will emerge 😊 I'm a realist. And then we'll figure out how to deal with them.
The US economy is a key player in the global market, and much of what happens in the US can affect the rest of the world. Whether you love Trump's administration or hate it, one thing is for certain - some of what's transpired recently is a wake-up call for other countries, that can lead to that very de-globalization or new political or economic alliances I just mentioned. There is no longer a certainty that political alliances that existed for so many years, and the resulting intertwined economies, will continue to work.
What About Tariff Wars?
History doesn't have to repeat itself, but it often rhymes. So I wanted to point out something here:
Since its founding, America has gone to war every time Uranus was in Gemini. The Declaration of Independence was signed when Uranus was in Gemini. 85 years later, the Civil War happened when Uranus was in Geminin again - and Neptune just entered Aries, as it's about to do now.
In 1941, World War II started. Uranus was at 27° Taurus at the time, just about to enter Gemini, where it was for the the next few years as the war raged. And Neptune was at 29° Virgo, opposite of it's current position. Jupiter was in Gemini, just as it is now, entering the 7th House in the US chart, which is the House of diplomatic relationships but also of war.
But, in 1941 Saturn and Uranus were also conjunct, and it's a much harsher planetary signature than what we will experience this year or next.
Just to be clear, I'm not predicting World War III. The stars impel but they don't compel, as an old astrology saying goes. Remember, astrology is about possibilities and probabilities. When a planetary energy is active in the skies, a probability of a particular type of an event increases - but it doesn't mean it will come to pass.
For example, we had a much feared Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction in July 31 2022, in Taurus. It's the energy of fated events, and with Uranus involved, the fear was for a nuclear event. It didn't come to pass, thankfully, but that was the first time in decades when the possibility of such an event was not zero. You may remember that Russia was threatening a detonation of a tactical nuclear weapon that year.
War doesn't have to be a military event, either. It's about a country aggressively going after a bigger slice of wealth, territory, you name it. And the other countries taking a big objection. No wonder there is so much talk about trade wars and re-definition of the US borders (I'm a Canadian, so don't even start me on the annexation of Canada!).
Queue in Neptune Entering Aries
Neptune will be visiting Aries between March 30-October 22 this year, and then settling into Aries for a good long stretch in 2026.
I hate to break this to you, but Neptune in Fire signs is associated with inflation. "How can it be?", I thought when I first realized it. "Surely the Federal Reserve and Central Bank of Canada slayed it with high interest rates"? But, tariffs - if implemented - tend to be inflationary. Or something else might reignite inflation.
There is a silver lining. Saturn will be entering Aries too this year, on May 24. Saturn tends to contain and restrict, so I'm hoping in this case it will keep the inflation in check. We don't need life to become more expensive, that's for sure!!!