How to Manifest With the Moon
We are all co-creators of our life. Yes, there will be times when bad things happen to very good people....but we also have the power to co-direct our life path to manifest our highest potential. I say "co-create" and "co-direct" because we have a partner in this dance - a very powerful partner. Call it the Universe, cosmic intelligence or divine guidance - it's available to all of us, if we take some time and effort to consciously and intentionally connect with it. This very fast energy field is all around us. We just need to learn how to connect with it!
So that's the first thing. You're not alone. There will be times when helpful people come into your life, and you can draw on their support. And who knows, you might even have a permanent circle of people you can rely on - lucky you! But, the Universe is always there, ready to support you. All you need is to know how to connect with it. And, the Lunar Cycle - working with the Moon phases - is a very easy and effective way to do so.
Now, there is also this. We can also be unintentionally projecting fears or unhelpful beliefs, perpetuating them as life experiences. For years, I highly valued personal strength (and still do). But, things I used to say? “It was a tough go, but I made it happen, and I’m ready for another challenge!” And…the Universe would send me another mountain to climb…:-) Eventually, I broke out of the unhelpful part of this belief: that I always need to keep testing my own strength. Accomplishments still happen. But, it all flows much smoother now.
The Moon cycle is a great way to connect with the cosmic energies and to start manifesting what you desire in your life, by consciously releasing what doesn’t serve you, and being intentional about your goals for your life - and asking the Universe for its help.
New Moon: Send Out Your Intentions
On a New Moon, we set intentions for what we want to accomplish that month or in our life overall!. My rational mind says, the only “magic” is programming your own mind towards our goals. But, over the years I’ve worked with Moon cycles, I noticed that there truly can be a helping hand from the Universe.
The key learning I can share with you is that it's important to be crystal-clear on what you're calling into your life (because chances are, you will get it!) What is a "happy relationship" mean to YOU? Or "abundance"?
You may also be interested in my post "Setting Intentions on a New Moon: Why and How".
Waxing Moon: Take Action
The two weeks the Moon is waxing is the time to put your best effort in to “grow” things and projects. It’s also the best time to start anything new.
What is one (or two, or three) concrete action(s) or step(s) you are going to take, to bring what you desire into your life? Remember, you're the CO-creator of your life!
Full Moon: Celebrate! And Give Thanks
As it gets closer to the Full Moon, it’s the time to look back to the last 2 weeks and give yourself a big pat on the back for all accomplishments, no matter how small. Got out of the bed and went to work, even though you’re going through a challenging time? Hooray! Got to the gym? Fantastic!!
When the Moon is about to become full, it’s time for celebration – and gratitude for any and all help and blessings that came your way. The energy of celebration and gratitude energetically aligns you to receive more blessings.
As the Moon moves just past full, it’s the time for giving back. Giving to charity, random acts of kindness, or just being intentional about helping that one person, that day.
It's also the time to set intentions to release what hasn’t worked for you this cycle, and that no longer serves you. It also could be about a bigger landscape of your life. Is there something that always trips you up? We have this amazing cycle of spiritual and emotional renewal available to us every month.
Waning Moon: Remove What No Longer Serves You
And then, as the Moon starts waning, with its bright side becoming smaller and smaller every night, start intentionally removing what you don’t want or need out of your life. It can be adjustments in your approach, or it can be tangible things, such as decluttering. Or, it can be starting a diet or giving up a bad habit.
Balsamic Moon
And finally, the last 3 days before the New Moon, when we can’t see the Moon at all, our physical energy can be at its lowest. It’s a good time to honour your body and rest. Don’t overschedule. Leave enough flex time in your schedule to relax with a good book or a movie, and to just be.
Replenish your energy levels. After all, your energy (and your ability to direct it), is one of the three key components in successful manifestation.
Want to Learn More?
We all have the ability to draw what we desire to us, the ability to manifest the future we want. We don't always use it, because we don't know how!
We spend years in school, learning science and literature and many other subjects. Then we spend years developing skills we need for our career.
And yet, the skill to manifest the future we want? For most of us, we didn't learn it growing up - but we can certainly learn it as adults.
Join me for my "MoonManifest" program, that teaches you just that. And, I'm going to run it live again this year!
You will learn how to:
- Tap into the power of astrological timing
- Focus and direct your own energy
- Connect with the much larger and more powerful energy field: the Universe.
Participants Say:
✨ I'm celebrating an unexpected check! A big one. We are utterly shocked. I literally danced a jig around the house. lol.
- L. from Florida, USA
✨"I was working on manifesting money easily and fast, for an upcoming trip. I received an unexpected performance bonus at work 2 weeks later."
- N. from the Philippines
✨ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - that is what this workshop aims to achieve and succeeds beautifully!
Daria has designed a workshop that does not just focus on teaching folks "how" to manifest but also get a complete understanding of factors that influence manifestation.
Thank you, Daria! It was better conceptualized and executed than any corporate training program I have attended.
- H. from Texas, USA
✨ I love how honest and down-to-earth you are. Your teaching is a breath of fresh air.
- S. from Pennsylvania, USA
✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.
- C. from Berlin, Germany