Jupiter-Saturn Squares 2024-2025

2024 is dominated by two big astrological themes.

The first one was the invigorating energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, building in the first half of the year and culminating in May, fueling the exuberance in the stock market, especially around technology stocks, and lifting cryptocurrencies.  In the second half of the year, we enter a very different territory, dominated by Jupiter-Saturn squares.

A square is a challenging energy, with two planets butting heads, so to speak.  Jupiter is about expansion and opportunities.  And Saturn is the opposite: contraction, challenges, boundaries. 

So we can experience a couple of themes, on the global and personal level (if the squares connect with your natal chart - more on that below):

  • Expansion (Jupiter) and contraction (Saturn) battling one another
  • Correction (Saturn) of over-optimism (Jupiter): a reality check! 

Let's Start with Global Impacts: 

If you attended my webinar "Navigating 2024", then you'll remember my prediction that the second half of 2024 was going to more challenging and unsettled than the first, and that there was going to be a distinct energy shift in July 2024.

Well, that's where we find ourselves now.  If you watch the stock market, then you know that the last few days were a wild ride! A major sell-off one day,  followed by gains the next day.  And then another drop. A roller coaster, to say the least!   That is consistent with the energy of the Jupiter-Saturn square:  expansion (Jupiter) and contraction (Saturn) battling one another.

(Note: this post was originally written in August 2024, but the same theme repeated in December 2024).

There is a bit of reality testing: is all that investment into AI actually going to deliver? Will the Federal Reserve actually lower interest rates, and by how much? 

Note this is not the energy of a stock market crash.  It's the energy of uncertainty and ups and downs. 

Of course, the markets are mostly a reflection of what is going on with the economy and geopolitically.  And in Canada, there are fears that the Bank of Canada kept the interest rates high for too long (Saturn), repressing growth (Jupiter), and we might be heading into a recession. This is masked by strong population growth due to immigration (Jupiter).  More people spending money (Jupiter), boosting the economy, but in reality (Saturn) there is lesser economic growth per person.

We're Going to Experience 3 Jupiter-Saturn Squares: 

And no, it's not just a short-term turbulence and instability passing through.  We're going to experience three Jupiter-Saturn squares between August 2024 and June 2025.

The third square is particularly significant, because it will be joined by Neptune.  Neptune and Saturn will both be in Aries - that's a stunning celestial energy in itself, and I will write another post on it at a later time.  

  • August 19 at 17° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
  • December 24 at 14° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
  • June 15 2025 at 1° Aries (Saturn + Neptune ) and Cancer (Jupiter)
  • Speaking about 2025, it's a BIG year!  Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter ALL briefly change signs, which in itself is rare. 2025 is giving us a sneak peak at the significant energy shirt coming in 2026.  If you haven't yet, don't forget to register for my pre-recorded webinar "Navigating 2025"! So much to share with you! 

    "Are You Willing to Pay the Price?"

    I was just thinking about it the other day!  Every dream comes with a cost. Fantastic career? The higher up the career ladder, the more stress you experience. A long-term, stable relationship? They take work: there are some compromises and dark moments that might not be obvious to the observer. You can't get the prize unless you're willing to pay the cost.

    Under the Jupiter-Saturn square, you may be faced with a choice:  do you pursue expansion, but at a cost to something else?  For example, do you take that big job knowing that it will impact your time with your kids? Or do you choose family over career growth? Only you know what is right for you. 

    "Dream Like an Optimist;  Plan like a Realist"

    Jupiter is all about optimism and expansion; Saturn is about being realistic about what's actually possible.  No, it's not a downer.  Not all of us will write that big book, become multi-millionaires, or make a positive impact on the global community. 

    But, it doesn't mean we shouldn't dream big! After all, sometimes the reason we hit that glass ceiling is because we secretly expect it to be there, and that prevents us from trying. 

    Stay focused on that bright vision of the future, on that dream that you're pursuing (Jupiter).  But, don't throw reality out of the window either.  Think through the practicalities, and just in case, have a Plan B. And don't get disappointed if you run into delays or obstacles.

    Look for that sweet spot between optimism and realism, between big vision and practical details that get you there.

    Who Should Pay Attention?

    In 2024, many of you Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces will be affected by the Jupiter-Saturn squares. (I will write about square #3, happening in 2025, at a later time).

    It's you if your birthday is:

    • Feb. 28 - March 13
    • May 31 - June 13
    • September 1 -14
    • December 1- 14

    Or, if you have other personal planets or the Angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between 9-22° of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius. 

    You may experience growth and expansion in one part of your life, and contraction and challenges in another. 

    You may be full of enthusiasm, making big plans - only to run into some frustrating challenges and delays on the way.  This, however, doesn't mean you won't get your heart's desire!  

    I've had several clients this year affected by the Jupiter-Saturn square. 

    One client is ready to add to her family, brimming with optimism and excitement (Jupiter) for the future, but so far the journey has been bumpy (Saturn). 

    Another is ready to move across the country, in search of better opportunities (Jupiter). She, too, ran into frustrating delays (Saturn). 

    Yet another is excited about her business expanding (Jupiter), but feeling that there is tension building in her marriage over parental responsibilities toward her young child (Saturn).

    Chances are, if you're affected by the Jupiter-Saturn square, you're experiencing the energy now and will feel it into early 2025. 

    And it might be a good time to have a reading!  If you'd like to book one with me, you can do so here.

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