Astrology, Tarot and More

  • New Moon in Cancer: July 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions, to attract what you desire into your life. This New Moon is in Cancer, which is THE day of the year to set intentions for healthy eating habits and everything related to home or family. 
  • New Moon in Gemini: June 2024

    This New Moon is THE day of the year to set intentions for improved communication or writing with ease; improved relationship with siblings or neighbours; increased social circle, and - for all of us anxious drivers out there - reduced stress when driving!  And this year, the Sun and Moon are conjunct Venus:  it's also a great New Moon to set intentions for happy, fulfilling relationships. 
  • Full Moon in Scorpio, April 2024

    The eclipse season is now behind us. Phew! Set intentions to let go of crippling guilt, jealousy, debts, compulsive behaviours, and drama in your life. This is a tense Full Moon; the Sun and the Moon are both square Pluto. It's an intense energy, but also very powerful, especially when you need to purge something from your life. 

  • New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries, April 2024

    This New Moon is also a powerful Solar Eclipse. If you're a risk-taker at heart, intentions set on this New Moon will be supercharged and can come into your life fast - but, they can materialize in a turbulent way.
  • Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Libra: March 2024

    This Full Moon is also a powerful Lunar Eclipse!  It's a powerful time to free yourself from suffocating, isolating, codependent relationships that clip your wings.
  • New Moon in Pisces: March 2024

    All New Moons are good for manifestation, but this one's power is 10 out of 10. 

    The Sun and the Moon are conjunct both Neptune and Saturn, helping us bring dreams and aspirations into reality.  It's also a powerful Cazimi Moon. 

    Mercury is sextile Pluto: your words have extra power today. Set your intentions! 

  • Full Moon in Virgo: February 2024

    The New and Full Moon come in pairs, in the opposite signs of the Zodiac. But, there is usually a quality these opposite signs share. For Pisces and Virgo, it’s all about healing, and finding balance between discernment and unconditional acceptance. 

    This Full Moon, in Virgo, is the best time of the year to release perfectionism, tendency to judge or be critical of yourself (or others), feeling like you're never good enough, unhealthy habits, excessive weight, and the clutter that doesn’t serve you (emotional or physical).

  • New Moon in Aquarius: February 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions for what you want to attract into your life. And this New Moon is perfect if you feel "stuck" and need change, or if you want to find "your tribe" - a circle of people who get you.  Intentions for success with online dating or social media will also get a boost.
  • Full Moon in Leo: January 2024

    As always, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your progress. With Leo and Aquarius both in the mix, celebrate your unique gifts! We all have them. Embrace yours! 

    And then, set intentions to release anything that no longer serves you.  This Full Moon is particularly good for working on blocks to romance, joy, creativity, and any ego traps that might be holding you back in life.
  • Full Moon in Gemini: November 2023

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us.

    This Full Moon is great for asking the Universe for help help with social media addiction, overwhelm caused by too much information and messages, sibling rivalry, and tendencies to second-guess yourself.

  • Once Awakened: a Spiritual Journey to Manifestation

    Through my readings and workshops, I've been blessed with meeting many beautiful souls. Learning about their life journeys is an honour that often puts me in awe of the resilience of the human spirit. The awe of our ability to rise from the darkest times and travel toward the light. 

    This post is by a courageous and compassionate survivor, Laurie Benoit.  Laurie is someone who's endured many years of abuse and embarked on a healing journey that ultimately became the journey to help others.  

  • Mercury in Cancer: Change the Story of Your Life

    The stories we tell ourselves are sooo powerful! "I failed yet again. I'm a failure". "Love means sacrifice". "I will never find anyone to love me. There isn't much to love".  We come up with a "story" based on our past, and it starts defining our future.  Often, this means we got locked into a dominant energy signature in our natal chart, expressing its challenging side. But, we are all beautiful and complex, with MANY energies available to us.