Presidential Inauguration 2025: Astrological Take

The USA administration has sure been in the news a lot lately! From a tense Oval Office meeting with Zelenskyy to the recently unleashed trade war.  As a Canadian (full disclaimer), I decided to look up the natal chart of the Presidential Inauguration 2025.  Presidencies, like people, have their own natal chart, which can be quite revealing.


1 - The Sun Conjunct Pluto:  Raw Power

USA presidential inaugurations have been held in January since 1937, and this year (2025) was no exception.  The inauguration was on January 20.  And so,  the Sun is in the 10th House yet again, representing the President.

What is startling about President Trump's presidency #2, in particular, is that it comes under a close Sun-Pluto conjunction:  the energy of raw power.  This is something we have NOT seen in a very, very long time.

It's the energy of raw power that is absolute, more so than you would expect in a presidency.  The thing with conjunctions is, they can swing for good OR bad.  One thing for certain: the president will exude a lot of power, and will want to implement a lot of sweeping changes.  

It's a transformational energy, and if you're following world events, you may be cheering, cringing, or battling a bout of anxiety.  With conjunctions, transformation can equal major progress, but ONLY if power is expressed in a healthy way.  

2 - Sun/Pluto Conjunction Opposite Mars

Hmmm....the person wielding the power can be so assertive that it crosses into aggression.  They relish their power.  They want the world to KNOW and acknowledge how powerful they are.

If I had a client whose natal chart had the Sun conjunct Pluto, in opposition to Mars, I'd be telling them,  "You project so much power!  Just be careful that you don't destroy the good things that work, because with your natal chart, that can easily happen".  (Note that the inauguration chart is not the same as the natal chart of Mr. Trump. It shows the presidency, not the person). 

Note that Mars the malefic is in the 3rd House of the inauguration chart, foretelling that the presidency will bring trouble to the neighboring countries (this is sure playing out so far!), but also trouble to one or all of the following:  communication, media, education and transportation. 

In international relations, Mars can wreck a lot of havoc through rash communication (Mars opposite Mercury) and ill-worded statements. 

Considering the current transits, this is a little scary as world relations are concerned.  Every time Uranus went into Gemini, as it's about to do, the USA was at war. 

The Saturn-Neptune conjunction, and Uranus-Pluto trine, that we're about to experience as well, brought the emergence of charismatic leaders that in the end led the world into some very dark places (but, history doesn't have to repeat itself!)

And so the image you see with this post is my projection to the Universe for world peace, and for collaboration between the world leaders, for the greatest good of the planet.  If you work with a vision board, it won't hurt to add "world peace and collaboration" to it.  Or say a prayer for world peace every now and then 🕊️🌍

3 - Uranus and Jupiter in the 1st House

The Ascendant of the inauguration chart is in Taurus, so the presidency comes with the promise of prosperity and peace to the American people (the 1st House rules the people of the country in mundane astrology, which is what we're talking about here).

But...Uranus is in the 1st House, so not everything is as it seems.  There may be shocks to the nation and unexpected surprises, coming out of the presidency.  Note that Uranus rules progress but also rebellions, so while progress will be made in some areas, there will also be things so shocking to the general population that they can incite protests bordering on rebellion. 

Jupiter is in the 1st House, too.  As I mentioned, I'm a Canadian, so it pains me to say it, in light of the trade war unfolding... Trump's presidency will also benefit the American economy in some ways.  Jupiter is very close to the 2nd House cusp, which represents the nation's income (taxes, duties and so on), as well as banking institutions.  So financially, the USA can in fact do well under Trump's presidency - except for the stock market in 2025-2026, but I'll get to that in a second.

4 - Venus Conjunct Saturn in the 11th House

Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the 11th House of the inauguration chart.  This isn't a good sign for the legislative structures in the USA; they will start losing their power.  It's also not the greatest for the labour and labour unions.

5 - The Moon in the 6th House, in the Apex of a T-Square

There will be changes, fluctuations, and emotional turmoil in the labour market, especially civil service (goodness, this one is playing out already).  As well, there will be changes, fluctuations and emotional turmoil around healthcare.

Communication and messaging may not be always as clear as it needs to be, leading to the overall confusion. 

6 - Mercury in the 9th House

International relations can prove "mercurial" and changing frequently.  The USA will be in the news a lot, more so than usual, during the presidency.

7 - Neptune in the 12th House

There can be much confusion or uncertainty around welfare and unemployment.  Harm may come from enemies made by the administration, specifically related to water or fuel - I take it, it's water or fuel supply.

8 - 2025-2027 Eclipses

Much like with natal charts, you can tell how events will unfold by looking at the transits and eclipses.

And the Virgo/Pisces eclipses that we're going to experience in 2025-2027 fall into the 5th and 11th House of the inauguration chart.  There can be shocks to the stock market caused by the direction taken by the US administration, as well as shocks to the legislative system.  Well, the shocks to the stock market are already happening!

There is one last eclipse in Aries, on March 31 2025, that falls into the 12th House of the chart. And that can bring shocks related to unemployment and also hidden political enemies emerging, that will work behind the scenes for some time, but eventually their impact will be felt.

So there you have it! It's a powerful chart.  It's a chart that can bring progress. It's also the chart that can take power so far that it is seen as aggression.  Prepare for a wild ride in terms of employment and healthcare.  Prepare for the shocks to the nation.  And keep your fingers crossed that Jupiter - the promise of economic improvements - delivers.  Jupiter is a trickster though! But I'll save that for another post 🙂

If you like this post, my webinar "Navigating 2025" is for you.

So much more to share with you!  For the past few years, I referenced 2020 in my webinars as a watershed year, the foundational year that set events in motion for the years that followed. 

Well, that's past us now.  2025 is another watershed year... learn all about the very powerful astrology of this year, the global impacts, and what it means for YOUR Zodiac sign in this webinar.  It's not too late to register!  The biggest and boldest planetary action of 2025 will be kicking in as of late March, and accelerating in the summer. 


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