Venus Retrograde 2025

Venus - the planet of love, money and personal values – goes retrograde on March 1 2025, at 10° Aries. It will turn direct again on April 12, at 24° Pisces.

When Venus goes retrograde (Rx), it provides an opportunity to explore your feelings about your key relationships, and things you value in life. 

The last time Venus went retrograde in Aries and Pisces was 8 years ago, from March 2 to April 15, 2017.  It will be going through the exact Houses (=areas of life) this year as it did back then.  While life events rarely repeat themselves in the exact same way, it can be helpful to consider what was going on in your life back then.  Similar themes may emerge. 

Pisces and Aries have very different energy.  Pisces is forgiving and romantic, but can also have her head in the clouds.  Aries boldly charges forward,  but (depending on how much Aries you have in your natal chart), it can also be too independent, making it difficult to sustain a long-term relationship.

So this retrograde is encouraging you to consider: 

  • Are you too much of a giver?
  • Is your idea of love so idealistic that potential romantic partners always come up short?
  • Do you play damsel in distress too much?
  • Or, conversely, are you too independent?
  • In romantic matters, do you know when to pursue, and when to allow others to pursue you? 

Special Notes

Note #1:   

This year, Venus Retrograde (March 1 - April 12) overlaps with Mercury Retrograde (March 14 - April 7), and they happen pretty much at the same degrees of the Zodiac. A lot of misunderstandings related to relationships and money can happen when Venus Rx and Mercury Rx overlap.  Take some time to clarify the other person's intent; don't assume and don't jump to conclusions.

Note #2:   

Saturn and Neptune happen to be in Pisces at the moment, and Neptune is about to enter Aries, on March 30 (it's a fundamental shift, and I will write about it in the next couple of weeks).  Mars, freshly out of retrograde, is still in Cancer. 

So Venus will connect with these planets multiple times!  First when direct, then when retrograde, and then when it goes direct again.  And they are very potent connections too.  We have a lot of good dates for love and romance this year, that's for sure! 

The dates during Venus Rx are better for couples, and the dates when Venus is direct can be verrrry good for that first date.  See "Power Dates for Love and Romance" in this post. 

Love and Relationships

Venus Retrograde is superb for reflecting on what we need in love or relationships, and if any adjustments to our current relationship are needed. Heal any issues in your relationship, or any blocks to love.  Gain closure with an ex.  If you’ve been thinking of reconnecting with an old flame, or reuniting with your ex, this could be a good time.

Some relationships might come under stress during Venus Retrograde, especially if there is a lack of balance between giving and receiving in your relationship. Every time Venus goes retrograde, I do many readings about relationships that hit a rough patch.

If you feel hugely underappreciated or undervalued in your relationship, or that all the joy is now gone, your relationship issues can come to the surface during Venus Retrograde. 

Traditional astrology will tell you that Venus Retrograde is NOT a good time to start a new relationship, propose or get married. It doesn’t mean your relationship or marriage will be doomed; but there is a high chance that it will go through a number of challenges.

If as a couple you rise to the occasion, your relationship very well may get stronger. But, too much strife can end a relationship, and that’s why astrologers say it’s better to wait out Venus Retrograde. The only exception to this rule is if you are remarrying your ex-spouse or renewing your vows.

If relationships are high on your agenda at the moment, try my report "Is He or She the One?"

If you see any red flags or issues in your relationship, don’t dismiss them.  A couple’s therapy session – or a session with an astrologer to look at the strengths and challenges of your relationship – might make all the difference.

It's Not All About Love Relationships Though

A good client of mine had the last Venus Retrograde happening in her 11th House of Friendships.  "Why have I been thinking so much about my old friends, wondering if we might get in touch again?", she asked in a reading.   Unresolved issues around old friendships were coming back into focus for her.  

"I'm so worried about some of the friendships that didn't end as well as I had hoped.  Should I write them an apology letter?", she asked.  YES!!!  Venus Retrograde can be an amazing time to heal old rifts and mend bridges.

It's not just about friends either.  Venus Retrograde in your 3rd House? Reconnect with your siblings.  What about the 4th House?  Call your Mom much these days? Ah yes, I hear you... it's not the smoothest relationship, and sometimes you just want to through your cell against the wall.  But...if you want to reconnect, now might be a good time.

What about that former co-worker that you don't see as much anymore, but who was such a source of support for you a few years back?  If Venus is Retrograde in your 6th House, now might be the time to go for a coffee and reminisce about good old time.

JUST REMEMBER:  If something is not working in your relationship(s), whether work, love, friends, or family, it can come to the surface when Venus is Retrograde. 


Venus Retrograde is also a great time to review and re-evaluate your finances. Are you too impulsive and too fast with your credit card?  Do those AI-enhanced, glamorous images you see in ads seduce you into buying things you don't need? Do you spend more than you can afford on your loved ones?  Venus retrograding through Pisces and Aries can bring these questions to your attention. 

Try to hold off on major purchases, luxury items or financial decisions during this Venus retrograde cycle. For example, the purchase of a new house, car, or another big-ticket item could backfire in some way later on. Or you might change your mind later and regret your purchase.

It's also not a good time for NEW financial investments.

However, if you’re a skilled bargain-shopper, this can be a great time for finding items at low prices.

If your 2nd or 8th House are in Pisces or Aries, finances can be highlighted for you during this Venus Retrograde. 

Beautification and Cosmetic Procedures

Because Venus rules beauty and aesthetics, Venus Retrograde is a less than ideal time for cosmetic surgery, new cosmetic enhancements, such as fillers or veneers, drastic makeovers, purchasing a brand-new wardrobe and the like. The results may not be as you expect. 

NEW is the key word.  If you've been getting your botox injections for years, or example, and plan to continue during this Venus Retrograde, you have nothing to worry about!

It's a great time though for revision surgeries (cosmetic).

And Now, the Power Dates!

Here they are.  Enjoy! 💖🕺🏼🔥🌹💍💌



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