Astrology, Tarot and More

  • New Moon in Capricorn

    This New Moon ushers in the New Year! How perfect!  Set your intentions for anything you want to accomplish in the new year.   But, wait to enact your intentions until Mars turns direct on Feb. 23 2024.  Strategize and prepare instead.


  • Capricorn Season: 5 Things to Try

    I love that astrology keeps us connected with the energy flow in the Universe. There is time to be aspirational, blue-sky and envision your boldest, biggest dreams for your life - Sagittarius Season.  And on the heels of that, practical, goal-oriented and ambitious energies of Capricorn Season set in, helping us plan HOW we're going to make these dreams happen.

    From setting SMART goals for the year to giving some thought to your older age - read this post for some useful tips on tapping into this season's energies. 

  • Libra Season: Career Edition!

    Libra Season is about investing into relationships, getting rid of crippling indecision, and reviewing what “fair” means to you. Libra or not, how can you best apply this season's energies in your professional field or business? Read some suggestions here.
  • Virgo Season: Career Edition!

    Virgo Season is about embracing your inner planner and organizer who is oh-so-efficient! Virgo or not, how can you best apply its energies in your professional field or business? 

  • Leo Season: Leadership Edition!

    Leo Season is all about embracing your personal power, allowing yourself to shine, and bringing out your inner appreciator. 

    So how can you best use the energies of this season to boost your leadership skills?  Here are some things to try when the Sun is in Leo.

  • Gemini Season: Career Edition!

    Gemini Season highlights communication, staying curious and adaptable and building your social network.

    So...if you're career-minded, here are a few ways to tap into the season's energy - from getting (astro-) curious about your boss to working with turquoise to one key tip for your professional network. 

  • Venus Retrograde 2021

    Venus - the planet of love, money and personal values – goes retrograde on December 19, at 26° Capricorn. It will turn direct again on Jan. 29 2022.

    This retrograde will bring Venus into an unusually long close alignment with Pluto, from Dec. 10 to Dec. 29. Karmic relationships can resurface in your life. And, for those who went through a particularly painful breakup, closure can finally be gained. 

    It's not just about love though. It's also about finances, personal values, beauty procedures and self-care. 

  • Astrology of October 2021

    While Mercury stays retrograde until Oct. 18, October is also the month that Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto turn direct. The more planets are direct, the more “go forward” energy is available to us, and the easier it is to get your undertakings off the ground successfully.  Relationships are strongly highlighted through the first 3 weeks of October. Don't miss a very special New Moon on Oct. 6 - fantastic for calling a soulmate relationship into your life.