Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Leo Season: Leadership Edition!

    Leo Season is all about embracing your personal power, allowing yourself to shine, and bringing out your inner appreciator. 

    So how can you best use the energies of this season to boost your leadership skills?  Here are some things to try when the Sun is in Leo.

  • New Moon in Leo: August 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions to attract what you want into your life.

    This New Moon in Leo is is THE day of the year to set intentions for creativity, joy, attracting or enhancing romance, and creating a joyful relationship with your children.

  • Leo Season: 7 Things to Try

    One of the things I love about astrology is that it keeps us connected with the larger cycles of the Universe. As the Sun travels through the Zodiac, each month we get a chance to “try on” the qualities of that sign and stretch out of our comfort zone! 

    Leo is about having unabashed fun, taking center stage, and unapologetically appreciating your own fine qualities 😊 Most importantly, it’s also about creativity, warm-heartedness, and generosity toward others.

  • Full Moon in Leo: January 2024

    As always, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your progress. With Leo and Aquarius both in the mix, celebrate your unique gifts! We all have them. Embrace yours! 

    And then, set intentions to release anything that no longer serves you.  This Full Moon is particularly good for working on blocks to romance, joy, creativity, and any ego traps that might be holding you back in life.
  • Uranus Retrograde 2021

    Uranus, the planet of freedom, change and the unexpected, turns retrograde on August 19, at 14 degrees Taurus. It goes direct again on Jan. 18 2022, at 10 degrees of Taurus. It`s time to review how you respond to changes in your life, and what personal freedom means to you.

    Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn - there may be changes heading your way.

  • Glamour Oil to Bring Out Warmth and Joy

    For the magically inclined,  Leo Season is a great time of the year to make some glamour oil. A glamour oil imbues you with a specific feeling you want to bring into your life, and also with a specific impression you make on others.  This Leo glamour oil is meant to draw out your warm, glowing, irrepressibly joyful self that draws others to you – and lifts your own spirits. It's not just for Leos! It's for anyone wanting to embrace their inner Lioness (or a Lion!)
  • Jupiter Retrogrades into Aquarius

    Jupiter (opportunities, expansion) continues through this year’s retrograde cycle, moving back into Aquarius on July 28. When a planet retrogrades into the sign, it's like it says, "I have some unfinished business!" Jupiter's return to Aquarius will be asking us to revisit technological expansion, and human interconnectedness.

    On a personal level, it can be impactful for Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini and Libra.