Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Astrology Forecast for December 2024

    December brings a lot of retrograde energy, but it also has a few great highlights too!  There are a couple of fantastic days for spiritual pursuits, some very good dates for romance, with the most auspicious energy of the month arriving on Dec. 19 (Pacific to Eastern time), when Venus makes a trine to Jupiter. 
  • Mars Retrograde 2024-2025

    Mars is about to turn retrograde.  This post will provide you with plenty of tips on how to use this retrograde period to your best advantage!
  • Ancient Astrology and Me: Same Planets, Different Life

    If an ancient astrologer read my natal chart using the techniques of Hellenistic Astrology, a lot of what they would have told me would be similar than what Western Astrology would tell you.  But, there is one big difference - and it's not an astrology technique!  In this post, I share my journey through learning astrology techniques used in the ancient times.
  • Where Is My Soulmate?

    Valentine's Day can be such an emotionally charged time of the year. 

    Well, guess what? I have done over 5,000 professional readings to date.  And I have NEVER seen a natal chart that would be doomed to a life with no partner…

  • Astrology Forecast for 2023

    It's a brand-new year!

    Three planets change signs in 2023:  Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. While Jupiter changes signs every 12 months, and Saturn every 30 months, when Pluto changes signs, it signals a huge (even if slow), generational change.

    The nodal axis moves again, into Aries-Libra, highlighting relationships (including international relations).

    What's more, this will be followed by more major shifts in 2025-2026, as Uranus and Neptune will also change signs!

    The world is heading into an important period that may feel like a new era.